Blinger - это веб-сервис, предназначенный облегчить поддержку клинтов и ведение продаж для бизнеса.
Blinger позволяет установить на сайт виджет с мессенджерами для приёма обращений клиентов в Helpdesk или CRM, сократить поток SMS с помощью API и добавлять новые интеграции.
Доступные сервисы для онлайн поддержки клиентов:
- WhatsApp Messenger
- Viber Messenger
- Telegram Messenger
- Skype Messenger
- Facebook Messenger
- ВКонтакте Диалоги
- Kik Messenger
- Line Messenger
- Twitter Direct
- WeChat Messenger
- Онлайн чат
2020-05-04 09:12:08: Hugery.com | Messaging Apps for B2B Sales Youtube
2019-11-12 15:10:34: See our CEO and Co-founder Evgeny Besschastnov present at Global Entrepreneurship Week Belarus on the topic "How to build a successful network: the experience of a CEO" https://t.co/Slor2rn9pY Twitter
2019-10-11 14:59:47: Come to "Digital customer experience" conference on October 14 and hear our Business development manager Igor Murashko give a joint presentation of Shate-M Plus client case together with Igor Spichonok. It will be very insightful! https://t.co/q4nlBz9jbR Twitter
2019-10-05 15:59:50: Meet Blinger.io Core Team Youtube
2019-10-03 19:59:45: Quick demo @ Blinger.io Youtube
2019-09-30 11:47:57: Our CEO and Co-founder Evgeny Besschastnov will present at the Event №3 by Point G in Kiev. Come hear what he has to tell! https://t.co/I28IomeOPY Twitter
2019-09-13 11:49:20: The benefits of customer support in messaging apps and social networks outlined in our article in Freshdesk blog: https://t.co/cDSQwB2Olu Twitter
2019-09-12 10:58:17: How to increase customer loyalty with the help of exceptional customer experience? Learn from the following article: https://t.co/d11R5tUKMP Twitter
2019-08-08 13:01:11: Most of today's companies follow customer centric approach, but is the customer always right? It's essential for your business to know how to say NO to a customer. Learn why from this article -> https://t.co/rxMueyWR9w Twitter
2019-07-10 15:28:14: The award winning Forex broker FP Markets becomes our client! We're thrilled to cooperate to deliver the highest level of customer support!
#blingerio #blinger #forex #forextrading https://t.co/Ahy5TUGYIE Twitter
2018-12-07 19:31:56: How to enable an omnichannel feature in Zendesk Support? @ Blinger.io Youtube
2018-11-02 10:29:16: Тренды коммуникации больших компаний с клиентами @ Артем Карпеченко (CBDO), Blinger.io Youtube
2018-05-25 09:48:46: Blinger.io Salesforce integration Youtube
2017-05-23 07:02:22: Blinger - Intercom Youtube
2017-02-09 12:20:06: Аналитика в Blinger Youtube
2017-01-25 14:28:14: Blinger.io connector for bpm’online Youtube
2016-11-14 15:44:35: Blinger WEB screencast Youtube