Klaus é uma solução baseada na nuvem que ajuda equipes de suporte ao cliente a analisar conversas e coletar feedback.
As principais características incluem gestão de tickets, visualizações filtradas, análise de tendências, gestão de avaliações, rastreamento de atividades e relatórios. A plataforma Klaus permite que administradores visualizem tickets filtrados por critérios, verifiquem conversas entre agentes e clientes e forneçam feedback aos agentes.
Ela vem com um painel centralizado que permite aos usuários visualizar métricas de desempenho, incluindo avaliações, pontuações de revisão de equipe e comentários de revisores. Além disso, os usuários podem atribuir permissões baseadas em funções aos membros do grupo para configurações como revisão por pares, revisão de gerente e mais.
Klaus torna fácil para as empresas filtrar as conversas que desejam monitorar, avaliá-las com base em um cartão de pontuação personalizado e notificar agentes que receberam feedback automaticamente por e-mail ou Slack.
2024-07-29 06:43:30: How to tackle the AI frontier in customer support Youtube
2024-07-29 06:43:16: How customer service data can be a goldmine for the rest of your business Youtube
2024-07-29 06:37:45: How salary, perks, and benefits help you attract top customer service talent Youtube
2024-07-29 06:37:27: How to build career pathways that drive exceptional customer service Youtube
2024-07-29 06:35:46: How to maintain a healthy state of attrition in your customer service team Youtube
2024-07-29 06:34:41: How quality customer service adds value to your business Youtube
2024-05-22 05:10:55: Overview of Zendesk QA Youtube
2024-04-16 08:24:50: Klaus is now Zendesk QA Youtube
2024-03-27 08:39:34: How Liberty Uses Klaus to Provide Luxury Customer Service Youtube
2024-03-06 09:14:10: What's New – Klaus Product Update Webinar (March 2024) Youtube
2023-03-30 14:07:05: ? 30 Most Influential People in Customer Service ?
Does someone you know deserve recognition?
Endorse a peer, someone leading the way in CX, or a company that goes above & beyond regarding customer support.
Nominate here ⬇
#customerservice #CX https://t.co/9VgJ4NDlaT Twitter
2023-03-29 21:54:12: 100% CSAT is just a misspelling of 100% CATS https://t.co/5fSU5eZnaM Twitter
2023-03-01 15:38:22: 5/5
Download now to see how your #customersupport team matches up!
? Get the report here: https://t.co/kqGLcv2lO0 ? Twitter
2023-03-01 15:38:21: 2/5
Do you want to know how your #customerservice team stacks up against competitors?
#CSAT benchmark ➝ 85%
#IQS benchmark ➝ 88%
#NPS benchmark ➝ +47 Twitter
2023-02-02 18:09:02: Quality aficionados at Klaus are kicking off 2023 with an updated “What’s new” webinar.
Join us on 15 February at 4pm CET: https://t.co/3tXoL2CuY7
#whatsnew #customerservice https://t.co/9Gycc2eMhl Twitter
2023-01-05 14:07:00: We dug into the capabilities and limitations of Chat GPT, and plucked out some interesting prompts for customer service leaders.
Find them all here: https://t.co/vGmHkALgzA https://t.co/E539zmmVgN Twitter
2023-01-04 08:20:01: So here’s a story from A to Z
You’re doing B2B?
Better listen carefully
Brands all over the place
Who take up too much space
With no personality
When the key is actually
To be more free
Take some risks & embrace crazy.
As for Klaus?
Click, you’ll see:
https://t.co/7kRTHPoxJb https://t.co/8IbfHRutkp Twitter