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Localização: Mundo

Everhour é uma solução de gerenciamento de projetos baseada na nuvem que atende empresas de todos os tamanhos em uma variedade de indústrias, como marketing e publicidade, organizações sem fins lucrativos, empresas de consultoria e mais.

O serviço oferece aos executivos um painel central que os ajuda a acompanhar vários projetos, controlar orçamentos, definir alertas e dividir as horas faturáveis e não faturáveis para diferentes membros da equipe. O Everhour sincroniza automaticamente as mudanças, o que significa que seus relatórios sempre mostrarão os dados mais recentes.

Everhour é um dos melhores aplicativos de controle de tempo para freelancers, graças à sua interface intuitiva, relatórios simples e integração estreita com aplicativos de terceiros de gerenciamento de projetos, contabilidade e controle de tempo.

O gerente sempre pode acompanhar quanto tempo é gasto em um projeto específico para estabelecer a rentabilidade e ter uma imagem mais clara do tempo real que os funcionários estão gastando no trabalho.

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2023-05-15 18:35:25: Best Productivity Apps to Supercharge Your Efficiency in 2023 | Enhance Your Productivity Today! Youtube
2023-05-15 12:15:11: Basecamp Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Manage Projects, Collaborate on Tasks and Track Time! Youtube
2023-05-15 12:14:45: ClickUp Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Master Task Management and Time Tracking in Simple Steps! Youtube
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2023-04-07 12:34:24: Sprints in Jira allow teams to set the pace for the team's work and see how they're progressing over each iteration. Learn how to create sprints in Jira following our guide! https://t.co/lHAP6vAGC1 Twitter
2023-04-06 15:37:38: Trello Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Master Task Management and Time Tracking with Everhour! Youtube
2023-04-05 15:51:15: Both Asana and Notion are extremely popular tools but how do they differ exactly & how to use them for specific needs? If you're wondering which tool to choose, take a look at our comparison and take your pick! https://t.co/I4n3GdMCsf Twitter
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2023-03-28 18:03:11: Check the progress of your team, collect the time data needed for billing, streamline your work process, and improve workflow! https://t.co/wd4YVmCjsO Twitter
2023-03-24 11:05:45: Record your employees' time by using a powerful time entry system - and you can check out the best ones in this article! https://t.co/29hUxalRnj Twitter
2023-03-21 12:52:25: Time recording apps can be extremely useful for any business for various purposes - learn about them in this article, and equip yourself with the best time recording apps out there! https://t.co/GeurvpRwMR Twitter
2023-03-14 11:08:47: See how easy and quick it is to change for the dark mode on GitHub and what kind of benefits it provides once you do it! https://t.co/IF6PtX2gxr Twitter
2023-03-13 11:03:38: Looking for a guide to get you started with GitHub Actions? We got you - here's out GitHub Actions tutorial for everyone, including complete beginners! https://t.co/6CmMOQz9Qr Twitter
2023-03-07 16:03:07: Curious to know how GitHub can help you in creating your own website? Learn how to host your platform using GitHub in this easy-to-follow guide! https://t.co/ZD8MgRrSIc Twitter
2023-03-01 15:07:26: Asana Tutorial for Beginners | How to Use Asana for Project Management and Time Tracking in 2023? Youtube
2023-02-21 19:31:38: Monday.com Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | How to Use Monday.com for Project Management? Youtube
2023-02-07 16:40:16: Jira Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | How to Use Jira for Scrum Projects| Everhour Guide Youtube
2022-11-30 15:55:34: Free Time Tracking Power-up for Trello | Everhour Youtube
2022-11-17 15:40:27: Miro Time Tracking Integration | Everhour Youtube



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