Asana - это сервис для совместной работы над проектами, задачами, обмена документацией и проверки списка дел. Сервис так же имеет приложения под мобильные платформы, для получения максимальных возможностей работы с ним.
Возможности сервиса:
- Синхронизация в режиме реального времени для различных устройств.
- Проверка почтового ящика.
- Создание плана.
- Создание, редактирование и просмотр задач и проектов.
- Структурирвоание проектов.
- Обсуждения.
- Настраиваемый дэшборд.
- Календарь.
- Поиск задач, проектов, людей и тегов.
- Прикрепление файлов из Dropbox, Box или Google Диска.
Сервис предназначен для замены общения по электронной почте, с помощью функций управления задачами и напоминаниями.
2024-12-09 20:39:48: What's new in Asana | December 2024 Youtube
2024-12-05 01:26:14: Integrate your Outlook calendar with Asana Youtube
2024-12-05 01:16:56: How to build workflows: Analyze your workflow (Part 7 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:14:19: How to build workflows: Socialize your workflow (Part 6 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:12:23: How to build workflows: Optimize workflows in Asana (Part 5 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:08:50: How to build workflows: Create a workflow in Asana (Part 4 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:06:31: How to build workflows: Create a process map (Part 3 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:04:28: How to build workflows: Clarify details (Part 2 of 7) Youtube
2024-12-05 01:02:01: How to build workflows: Intro (Part 1 of 7) Youtube
2024-11-14 23:52:03: What's new in Asana | November 2024 Youtube
2023-04-07 19:05:00: Morningstar CIO Laura Kohl implemented a 'growth-ready strategy' to increase efficiency and evolve collaboration across their global organization.
Learn this strategy from Laura to help your business grow and scale #withAsana: https://t.co/I0Fjfej4o8 https://t.co/0pWFGeV0CQ Twitter
2023-04-06 22:56:40: No time like the present to do great things, fast ? https://t.co/wD9kAXYVEW Twitter
2023-04-04 20:15:15: Collaboration can connect relationships to revenue, so it's imperative to improve it to perform better as a business.
In The Workback, Harvard researcher Heidi K. Gardner reveals how to achieve ambitious business goals. Read the story: https://t.co/n6ZW9RQ2sS https://t.co/axEdMQKm5e Twitter
2023-04-03 23:38:33: When leaders recognize the different between collaboration and coordination, their teams can focus on their most important work.
The Work Innovation Lab's new playbook teaches executives how to infuse their companies with the right kind of collaboration
https://t.co/4k96UzPmSx https://t.co/8hCkc0V0Uo Twitter
2023-04-03 23:15:33: https://t.co/X9hh83dq0Y https://t.co/YTeXdXH1vu Twitter
2023-04-03 19:41:21: Blobfish was in fact an April Fool's joke, but you can still see Blobby in Asana through today! Happy tasking ? https://t.co/7rCtWmsSyO Twitter
2023-03-29 21:28:04: Collaborative Intelligence was the star of the show at Asana Forward ?
With research-backed insights from The Work Innovation Lab, we shared how leaders can use Collaborative Intelligence to improve business outcomes and drive efficiency across orgs.
https://t.co/hyI5wf03LO Twitter
2023-03-28 21:03:27: That’s a wrap on Asana Forward! Stay tuned for more insights and research coming out of The Work Innovation Lab, and even more product updates to help your organization move…forward! Twitter
2023-03-28 20:34:52: Soon with Asana Workload, leaders will be able to assess team bandwidth across programs, even ones they’re not managing. Collaborative Intelligence helps leaders make informed resourcing decisions. No other tool lets you see cross-team resource allocation in real-time like this. Twitter
2023-03-28 20:27:25: Asana’s new exec reporting capabilities give leaders a quantified look into how work is tracking from a budget and time perspective, so they can track progress and how much time, money, etc. is being spent on work. This gives them complete visibility. Twitter