Livespace - это система позволяет автоматизировать процессы продаж, ставить цели и всегда иметь информацию о клиентах.

Система повышает качество собранных данных, облегчает совместную работу команды и повышает результаты продаж.

Функции системы:

- Процессы продажи:

Создание неограниченного кол-ва процессов продаж.

- Сегментация клиентов:

Чёткие, автоматизированные приспособления для оценки клиентов.

Определения собственных сегментов клиентов.

- Система показателей целей и результатов.

- Критерии оценки для каждого члена команды.

- Прогноз продаж.

- Коммуникации.

- Статистика.

- Управления знаниями.

2024-04-24 11:39:56: Co daje Ci proces sprzedaży w Livespace? Youtube
2024-04-23 07:29:47: Livespace Live Event: Cold mailing, czyli jak tworzyć maile, które przyciągają klientów? Youtube
2024-03-15 12:04:48: Livespace Live Event: Jak skutecznie skrócić proces sprzedaży? Youtube
2024-01-18 13:27:48: Livespace Live Event: Proces kwalifikacji, czyli jak wybrać klienta idealnego? Youtube
2023-11-27 08:12:08: Livespace Live Event: Jak wykorzystać dane do doskonalenia sprzedaży Youtube
2023-11-27 08:11:54: Livespace Live Event: Spraw, żeby klienci Cię pokochali Youtube
2023-11-27 08:11:46: Livespace Live Event: Efektywność procesu sprzedaży. Youtube
2023-11-27 08:10:50: Livespace Live Event: Skup się na obecnych klientach. Youtube
2023-11-16 14:21:38: Czy wiesz gdzie tracisz klientów i dlaczego? - Marcin Stańczak, Livespace Youtube
2023-08-23 10:05:08: Czy Twój proces sprzedaży jest tak naprawdę Twój? - Marcin Stańczak, Livespace Youtube
2019-08-01 10:12:04: There is a city that stops for one minute every year! Once a year on August 1st, the people of Warsaw pay homage to the fallen heroes that fought for freedom in 1944 during the Warsaw Uprising #WarsawUprising #PowstanieWarszawskie #Pamietamy Twitter
2019-07-05 16:04:03: ? Change the way in which you describe & talk about your product/service. ?Focus instead on the value you add & the problem(s) you solve After all, you’re never selling a product - you’re selling the impact your product will have on your buyer’s current environment. Twitter
2019-07-05 16:04:02: Sales are won or lost during the #DiscoveryProcess - do you agree❓ Every step of your #SalesProcess is dependant on you getting the right info. in the discovery process at the #beginning of your connection with your prospect or client. #SellSmarter #B2B #ProblemCentricSelling Twitter
2019-07-05 14:36:25: #HowTo write an effective sales #FollowUp In our recent blog, you'll find tips & best practises for email follow-ups along with 12 useable #templates to help you get started; #EmailFollowUp #B2B #CRM #SellSmarter Twitter
2019-06-17 18:31:11: Prospecting - every salesperson's favourite pastime. In a recent blog article on #SalesProspecting, we looked at 7 sales prospecting tips to follow, along with a few common mistakes to avoid; #B2B #SalesTips #LeadGen #CRM #SellSmarter Twitter
2019-06-17 11:55:18: When sending #coldemail you have a #10second window of attention of the person you’re emailing AND your entire message & #valueproposition should fit into 125 words or less Do you agree? What are your tips for 'Writing a Good Sales Email?" #SellSmarter Twitter
2019-06-17 11:35:17: Are your #sales teams & #customersupport teams working to the same standard? Here we explore the 5 most common mistakes you might be making with your sales & customer support agents; #TeamMotivation #Training #B2B #CustomerExperience Twitter
2019-06-14 12:36:03: Do you send #followups? And if not, why not❓ In our recent blog article; - we explore how to write #followups that will not only help you “check-in” but will help contribute toward a more effective #SalesProcess? #EmailFollowUp #B2B #CRM Twitter
2019-06-13 15:06:49: Now more than ever, it is vital for #salesteams to deliver a compelling & consistent #customerexperience Here, we turn our attention to how a #salesfocused #CRM can help improve business performance for #insurancebrokers - #SalesProcessOptimization Twitter

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