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Bringg DLM - платформа управления логистикой доставки. Система выполняет стратегическую задачу для крупнейших мировых компаний, предлагая наиболее эффективный и экономически эффективный способ управления сложными экосистемами доставки. В результате, эти предприятия быстро ускоряют рост и заметно улучшают свою прибыль; предоставление клиентам совершенного опыта доставки, при этом оптимизируя их логистику и операции доставки для максимальной эффективности, в режиме реального времени и с полной видимостью.

Предприятия, которые достигают превосходства в области логистики, получают более высокие доходы благодаря увеличению спроса на их продукты или услуги, более высоким показателям конверсии и повышению лояльности клиентов, а также доходам от новых услуг. Параллельно автоматизация обеспечивает значительную эффективность, которая позволяет лучше использовать капиталоемкие ресурсы; увеличение использования ресурсов доставки и общей пропускной способности при эффективном управлении как собственными, так и внешними моделями доставки.

2023-09-13 11:27:10: Complex deliveries made simple | Bringg Youtube
2023-03-28 14:30:02: Will you be at #shoptalk2023 tomorrow? Then let us know if you would like to learn how to overcome last mile operational challenges and drive ecommerce growth and exceptional customer experiences with fast, cost-effective fulfillment. Twitter
2023-03-22 17:48:03: Happy Holidays! May this season bringg you and your families health and happiness. Twitter
2023-03-20 16:40:05: Are you going to #shoptalk2023? With just ! week to go, we're super excited to connect with the biggest community of retailers + brands. Let us know if you'd like a meeting with Larry Klein, VP Strategic and Commercial Sales, or Philip Spelman, Director of Strategic Accounts Twitter
2023-03-15 17:55:04: Are you looking for ways to enhance your #customer experience? Do you want to minimize #WISMO and support calls? Discover how Fox Racing accomplished these objectives by leveraging Bringg on Salesforce. Check out the success story ? Twitter
2023-03-13 17:17:02: In today's fast-paced business environment, it's crucial to maximize the #efficiency of last mile operations. But how do you know which is the best route optimization technology? Read our latest blog ? to find out. Twitter
2023-03-06 20:04:05: Retailers today face many challenges within the customer journey. Some of the main ones are listed below. How many of these do you come across? Let us know in the comments below. #retailers #eCommerce #CustomerSatisfaction Twitter
2023-03-03 15:10:04: In today's fast-paced ecommerce environment, it's crucial for retailers to make the returns management process more efficient and cost-effective. Having a DMP in place is a MUST-HAVE for staying ahead of the competition. Check our blog post for more info. Twitter
2023-03-02 19:50:04: We are super excited to share that we will be attending 'A New Day for Commerce' next week! This event promises to be a fantastic opportunity to connect with other like-minded professionals to discuss the latest technologies and strategies shaping the future of ecommerce. Twitter
2023-02-27 14:05:54: A Day in the Life of a Package Youtube
2023-02-22 14:23:04: Retailers today have many challenges to deal within the customer journey. Here are 8 of the main ones that were concluded in a recent survey. Twitter
2023-02-21 18:41:03: Drones have the ability to bypass traffic, reach remote locations and have lower costs than car deliveries. However, the technology for drones is still in its infancy and experiencing many challenges. Do you think drones will start to play a bigger role in deliveries? Twitter
2022-10-25 12:47:46: Raymour & Flanigan - Transforming the Customer Experience with Bringg Youtube
2022-09-21 13:37:11: Ship From Store with Bringg on Salesforce Youtube
2022-06-22 10:01:22: Larry Klein talking about the State of Last Mile Logistics Report for FreightWavesTV Youtube
2022-05-17 09:15:23: Meet Bringg on Salesforce (Formerly Zenkraft) Youtube
2022-05-17 07:39:31: 1/4 Bringg on Salesforce Checkout Experience: Short Demo Youtube
2022-05-17 07:32:33: 2/4 Bringg on Salesforce Shipping & Fulfillment: Short Demo Youtube
2022-05-17 07:27:21: 3/4 Bringg on Salesforce Real-Time Tracking: Short Demo Youtube
2022-05-17 07:21:22: 4/4 Bringg on Salesforce Returns: Short Demo Youtube


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