Whereby is the easiest to use and most reliable video conferencing tool on the market.

With no app or installation - and no login for guests - Whereby users don't have to deal with clumsy downloads or learning new technologies. It's as easy as clicking a link and joining a meeting right in your browser.

Whereby features include: screen sharing, adjustable privacy settings (lock / unlock rooms), custom branding, and integrations with third-party platforms like Slack, Trello, and YouTube.

Guests can access video chats via a customizable link that can be shared via email, chat, or any other platform, and there is no need to enter individual usernames or passwords when accessing the chat. However, users can set up locked rooms with customizable privacy settings, including guest verification and authentication.

Conversations can include up to 50 participants with unlimited HD screen sharing and auto full screen so that participants can easily deliver presentations. Users can also customize the layout of their chat window using a drag-and-drop interface to move videos and participants, and resize each participant's window. Custom branding allows businesses to create their own branded video chats by adding business logos and color schemes.


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