

Languages: English
Localization: World

MeaningCloud is an analytics solution that allows users to easily decipher the meaning of any unstructured content, which can include articles, documents, and more.

The software helps to analyze all unstructured customer feedback from any communication channel such as call center, email, surveys, social media and use it for customer analysis.

The app allows data analysts to use their Excel add-in to analyze their polls, comments, and tweets right from their favorite spreadsheets. On the other hand, developers can use the software's built-in cloud APIs to add semantic analysis capabilities to their applications through provided services, plug-ins, and SDKs.

The solution offers many features, including document structure analysis, language identification, text clustering, topic extraction, data warehouse management, and more. In addition, administrators can use the application to create new taxonomies and preset options to categorize texts according to business requirements.

2021-05-10 11:20:06: MeaningCloud Signup and Office 365 Youtube
2020-06-25 09:28:30: Inteligencia de Mercado más escalable y valiosa mediante analítica de texto - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube
2020-06-25 09:28:19: More Scalable and Valuable Market Intelligence with Text Analytics - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube
2020-05-05 12:44:22: Convierte el feedback de tus clientes en acción mediante la analítica profunda de texto - Webinar Youtube
2020-05-04 17:04:59: Transform customer feedback into action - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube
2020-05-04 16:29:47: Solve the most wicked text categorization problems - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube
2019-06-24 09:56:31: Resuelve los problemas más complejos de categorización de texto - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube
2018-01-02 09:25:38: Vertical Packs: text analytics adapted to your application, VoC, VoE - MeaningCloud Youtube
2017-12-22 09:21:18: Packs Verticales: analítica de texto adaptada a tu aplicación, VoC, VoE - MeaningCloud Youtube
2017-07-19 09:29:00: Why you need Deep Semantic Analytics - MeaningCloud webinar Youtube


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