Integration of Zendesk with Comm100 Live Chat

Integration of Zendesk with Comm100 Live Chat

Comm100 Live Chat
Integration of Comm100 Live Chat with Zendesk

By integrating Comm100 Live Chat with Zendesk, all chat conversations and questions to the Comm100 Live Chat bot will be automatically delivered to your Zendesk account as tickets for efficient tracking and management.

Whenever the live chat ends or an offline message is sent, the message content will be sent to your Zendesk account to create a new ticket. Tickets from the same visitor will be added to the same customer in Zendesk.

When the customer you are chatting with is already on your Zendesk customer list, you will see the Zendesk icon appear right below the customer's name in the chat panel, and clicking the icon will take you to the Zendesk customer profile page. where you can get a clear understanding of the basic information about the customer as well as the previous contact history.


Comm100 Live Chat