
Timeneye - это простой и интеллектуальный инструмент для учета рабочего времени, который помогает малым и средним компаниям отслеживать уровень производительности своей команды, но он также идеально подходит для фрилансеров.

Timeneye отлично подходит для команд любого размера, поскольку предлагает полный набор функций для управления проектами. Руководители проектов и администраторы могут отслеживать производительность каждого пользователя в режиме реального времени.

Вы сможете организовать свою команду, установив роли и группы для членов вашей команды, и Вы будете получать в режиме реального времени информацию о том, сколько часов ваши сотрудники посвящают проектам. Назначьте бюджеты времени каждому пользователю, чтобы быстро обеспечить максимальные ожидаемые усилия для каждого сотрудника в данном проекте.

Некоторые функции:

- Управление оплачиваемыми часами;

- Просмотр календаря на неделю;

- Уведомления о бюджете;

- Роли и разрешения;

- Экспорт и импорт;

- Еженедельные сводки по электронной почте.

Timeneye сочетает в себе простое отслеживание рабочего времени с мощными средствами отчетности, чтобы помочь Вам повысить производительность, повысить прибыльность и сохранить работу в нужном направлении.

2023-04-12 15:02:59: [Blog post] Are you planning to introduce time tracking in your organization, but need to know where to start? Here is a step-by-step guide to help you implement time tracking effectively in your company. ?? https://t.co/mXiKbDYUnw Twitter
2022-12-22 19:21:09: 3 days to Christmas, and the holidays are finally approaching ? But are we able to relax on vacation? Read our article and see how to properly develop Time Management skills to enjoy your time off and be at your best when it's working time??? #timeneye https://t.co/UYalc2e7Py Twitter
2022-12-21 18:43:20: Be precise, reach goals before the end of the year, and be social at your company’s Christmas party‼️ There is no "productivity button," and to increase business productivity, companies need time and good habits? And Timeneye is here to help ✅ #timeneye https://t.co/PSCzmm5O2f Twitter
2022-12-07 19:02:11: Every company,it does no matter the size, should invest time in acquiring Team Management skills? In our article, we share 6 tips about how to be good at Team Management to grow your company,along with the best resource you have: your employees! https://t.co/J0vMxSRYMg #timeneye Twitter
2022-12-02 18:14:51: Agile Project Management was born by a group of IT developers who needed a more flexible approach to releasing user-oriented products ✅ Read our article below and get inspired by these 5 Agile methods! #timeneye #timetracker #agileprojectmanagement https://t.co/tw2sx3eKvB Twitter
2022-11-28 18:58:48: Being good at Time Management is mostly a matter of personality traits, habits, and skills. It takes patience, resilience, and effort but everyone can develop Time Management skills! PS: Timeneye is here to help? Read our article⬇️ https://t.co/JPW1WRLprS #timeneye #timeskills Twitter
2022-11-23 18:10:27: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day! ? It seems the right time to tell you the "Inductivist Turkey" story of B.Russell and acknowledge the importance of Risk Management ? Enjoy your reading! https://t.co/ZOGPrJQuq9 #timeneye #Thanksgiving #turkey #timetrackingsoftware #riskmanagement Twitter
2022-11-21 17:55:22: Dealing with an always-changing market? Do you need immediate feedback and can't wait for your product release to get it? ? Perhaps you should adopt a Kanban or Scrum method! Take a look at our article and find out which one suits you the most✅ #timeneye https://t.co/BUZ1IagXI1 Twitter
2022-10-14 17:26:48: Handling many projects, meeting deadlines while keeping track of the time spent; are good at it? ? I bet you are! But then, what working hours will you get paid for and what not? What activities are usually considered billable or non-billable? ?? Read it up! #timetracking https://t.co/GhCZDMEJOJ Twitter
2022-10-12 17:29:16: You've been working on that project for 2 months and now you are wondering about what you should bill to your client and what not? Read our article below and see how Timeneye is here to help you to get paid for what you deserve✅ #timetracking #timeneye https://t.co/7pi4NATjqB Twitter





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