Mixpanel - это система для аналитики и анализа поведения пользователей.
Система представляет собой передовую аналитическую платформу для мобильных систем, позволяющую отслеживать поведение пользователей в режиме реального времени.
Возможности Mixpanel:
- Отправка своим пользователям уведомлений внутри приложений.
- Сегментирование пользователей.
- «Бесконечно глубокое» таргетирование благодаря профилям.
- A/B тестирование для различных уведомлений.
- Редактор уведомлений.
- Настройка дизайна и формулировки уведомлений.
- Интеграция пользовательских опросов в приложения через Mixpanel Surveys.
- Изменение конверсии между разными событиями внутри одной воронки.
- Внешний API.
2024-10-24 15:14:42: Using Mixpanel to improve the efficiency of collaboration Youtube
2024-10-09 14:34:51: Increase the speed of your decision-making with self-serve analytics Youtube
2024-10-07 04:15:23: Finding the user actions that impact your product metrics Youtube
2024-10-07 04:11:58: Using Mixpanel to monitor product and marketing performance Youtube
2024-09-19 13:22:01: Aligning all the teams within your organization using Mixpanel Youtube
2024-09-19 13:20:45: Getting product learnings quickly and sharing them widely Youtube
2024-09-12 03:18:25: Session Replay Demo Youtube
2024-09-10 19:25:51: Introducing Mixpanel Session Replay Youtube
2024-09-05 22:13:11: What Is Mixpanel? | Product Demo Youtube
2024-09-05 14:27:28: A company culture that values transparency around performance Youtube
2023-04-07 19:59:53: Analyze your data in real-time, no matter how many events you send us⏱️
That's our promise. But how do we do it?
Get the details in our Engineering Blog ↩️
https://t.co/uNs6N39kEB Twitter
2023-04-06 22:04:11: Whether you’re building a product or planning a marketing campaign, now you can sort key metrics however you like.
What will you build with our new Insights Table Chart?
https://t.co/eehlj0GUqw Twitter
2023-04-06 22:03:45: And eCommerce teams can determine what products to remove from their catalog or put on clearance by discovering which items have the worst conversion rates. https://t.co/sZuzhwhura Twitter
2023-04-06 22:02:26: Marketing teams can compare how an increase in spend since last month has affected key metrics across different channels. https://t.co/7X6OUSn8Y6 Twitter
2023-04-05 20:18:59: This right here.
This is what it's all about.
Keep building ??? https://t.co/TO7ux3vcGJ Twitter