Litmus - это сервис предназначенный для построения коммерческих email-кампаний, тестирования писем и дальнейшего анализа.
Возможности Litmus:
- Предпросмотр рассылок.
- Поиск ошибок.
- Редактирование HTML в режиме реального времени.
- Анализ кода.
- Результаты проверок с визуальным оформлением.
- Редактор почтовых рассылок.
- Перемещение HTML-элементов.
- Настраиваемые шаблоны.
- История изменений.
- СПАМ-тестирование по фильтрам.
- Проверка IP-адреса и домена на наличие в «черных» списках.
- Определение используемых подписчиками почтовых клиентов и устройств.
- Отслеживание действий с письмами.
- Геолокация.
- Экспорт CVS.
2023-04-07 19:12:05: Re: Misleading subject lines ?
What's the line between creative and deceptive?
? Dive into our latest Feature Friday where we highlight emails that caught our attention—first impressions and all! https://t.co/GVvLAh1Y3J https://t.co/sKUtdbYW2h Twitter
2023-04-07 01:01:28: Top 5 email clients from March 2023:
1. Apple
2. Gmail
3. Outlook
4. Yahoo Mail
5. Google Android
? Bookmark this site for monthly updates on the most popular email clients, based on email opens: https://t.co/zBwOj25i7O https://t.co/kZV6XyLx9u Twitter
2023-04-05 15:18:25: ✨ New in Litmus! ✨ You can now:
? Automatically check your code to ensure a Dark Mode has been defined for your emails
?️ Easily optimize emails for subscribers with color vision deficiency
➡️ Learn more: https://t.co/92vcwg8CHs https://t.co/c6gTQ7qnHS Twitter
2023-04-04 18:43:33: If you view your emails in Dark Mode please stand up ?️ Twitter
2023-04-03 20:37:08: Something’s coming to Litmus this week… ??
? With Product Pulse, you'll never be left in the dark. Subscribe for monthly tips, insights, and stories to help you get the most out of Litmus: https://t.co/txKhPZ3I6k https://t.co/lnZbr9Jj90 Twitter
2023-04-03 18:41:52: P.S. If you want to show the email in all its glory, Scope is perfect for displaying both the code and design of your email. https://t.co/Z05XWjyXrQ Twitter
2023-04-03 18:39:33: We're looking for your favorite accessible emails—ones that you've built.
#EmailGeeks: what accessible emails are you most proud of? ? Twitter
2023-03-31 19:57:28: This month, ChatGPT and a certain little Outlook bug (now patched) made email headlines.
⚡ Recap the month with the latest happenings from the world of email: https://t.co/crkYnVJm04 https://t.co/GArDsk6rXO Twitter
2023-03-31 00:44:00: ? https://t.co/hAggcG6Cdl Twitter
2023-03-30 19:27:34: Beep boop ? LitBot has entered the chat.
We used AI (or rather, AI used us ?) to write this week’s issue of #LitmusWeekly.
➡️ See who hosts next week’s issue and subscribe! https://t.co/qSUCvEIL2z https://t.co/49MHpOneyX Twitter