

Lingue: Deutsch English Español Français
Localizzazione: Mondo

Mailjet è un fornitore di servizi di posta elettronica progettato per team di marketing e sviluppatori. Offre una suite completa di strumenti per creare, inviare e ottimizzare campagne email, semplificando il marketing via email con funzionalità facili da usare.

Caratteristiche Principali

  1. Email Marketing

    • Editor Email: Interfaccia drag-and-drop con modelli predefiniti.
    • Collaborazione: Lavoro di squadra con permessi e protezione delle risorse di marca.
    • Modelli: Ampia libreria di modelli personalizzabili.
  2. Personalizzazione e Targeting

    • Sezioni Dinamiche: Invio di messaggi personalizzati in una singola campagna.
    • Segmentazione: Raggruppamento degli iscritti in base a interessi e comportamenti.
    • Automazione: Email di benvenuto, sequenze di onboarding e email basate su date.
    • Test A/B: Test di fino a 10 versioni diverse di email.
  3. Strumenti di Consegna

    • Validazioni Email: Garantire la validità degli indirizzi per evitare lo spam.
    • Strumento di Anteprima: Verifica delle email su diversi client e dispositivi prima dell'invio.
  4. Analisi e Approfondimenti

    • Dashboard Statistiche: Monitoraggio in tempo reale delle prestazioni delle email e dell'engagement dei clienti.
    • Mappe di Clic e Confronto Campagne: Analisi delle interazioni per migliorare le strategie.
  5. API e Integrazioni

    • Email API: Integrazione dei servizi Mailjet nei sistemi esistenti.
    • Integrazioni di Terze Parti: Connessione con piattaforme CRM, CMS, marketing e e-commerce.
  6. Funzionalità Avanzate

    • Generatore di Contenuti AI: Automazione della creazione dei contenuti email.
    • Generatore di Oggetti AI: Creazione di oggetti coinvolgenti in più lingue.

Mailjet supporta aziende di tutte le dimensioni, aiutandole a ottimizzare le operazioni di posta elettronica, migliorare la consegna e aumentare il coinvolgimento dei clienti.

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2024-09-30 21:30:08: Using a multichannel messaging matrix to create best-in-class campaigns | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:30:06: RCS business messaging: It's not just hype, it's a knockout | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
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2024-09-30 21:15:02: Omnichannel Cage Match: Why email is not enough | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:00:28: How to use AI for better email marketing results | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 20:45:00: Evolving practices for email in an multichannel world | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 20:30:02: The power of stellar post-purchase experiences | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 20:15:01: Wrestling with email development, dark mode, and code bloat | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2023-04-03 21:00:06: Seeking to optimize your customer journey? We've got all the details on how to ensure your customers have the best brand experience possible -- and become lifelong subscribers and users. ? Read more ?➡️ Twitter
2023-04-01 02:15:02: Are you tired of your emails landing in the spam folder? Learn about how you can avoid spam filters in 2023 and reach the inbox with ease. ? ? Get the tips ?? Twitter
2023-03-30 19:30:02: How can you use email personalization to capture (and keep!) customers' attention? Learn how to get personalized #emailmarketing right and drive conversions! ? Get the details ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-03-30 01:30:01: What is the return-path, and how does it help you manage email bounces? ? Find out more, including why you should customize the return-path and how you can customize it with Mailjet. ?? Get the details ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-03-27 21:00:01: Avoid value washing, all our homies hate value washing! ? Find out more about value washing and how you can keep ethical marketing as a foundation of your brand. ✅ Get the details ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-03-24 19:00:01: What are the 4 types of marketing data, and how can you leverage them for email personalization and audience targeting? Find out now! ? Get the details ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-03-23 20:00:17: Where will you take email next? ? Read our Inbox Insights 2023 report to learn about the latest advanced email tactics and which strategies you should use to measure the full impact of your email program. ? Read the full, free report now ?➡️ Twitter
2023-03-23 01:00:01: Email headers are often overlooked, but they're a great tool for improving deliverability, protecting against spam, and more. ? Find out more about #emailheaders and how they can benefit you now! ? Get the details ?➡️ Twitter
2023-03-21 21:00:09: Avoid value washing, all our homies hate value washing! ? Find out more about value washing and how you can keep ethical marketing as a foundation of your brand. ✅ Get the details ?➡️ Twitter
2023-03-16 19:30:18: Where will you take email next? ? Read our Inbox Insights 2023 report to learn about the latest advanced email tactics and which strategies you should use to measure the full impact of your email program. ? Read the full, free report now ?➡️ Twitter




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