Mailjet é um provedor robusto de serviços de email projetado para equipes de marketing e desenvolvedores. Ele oferece uma suíte completa de ferramentas para criar, enviar e otimizar campanhas de email, simplificando o marketing por email com recursos amigáveis tanto para iniciantes quanto para profissionais.
Principais Características
Marketing por Email
- Editor de Email: Interface de arrastar e soltar com modelos pré-desenhados.
- Colaboração: Trabalho em equipe com permissões e proteção de ativos de marca.
- Modelos: Biblioteca extensa de modelos personalizáveis.
Personalização e Segmentação
- Seções Dinâmicas: Envio de mensagens personalizadas em uma única campanha.
- Segmentação: Agrupamento de assinantes com base em interesses e comportamentos.
- Automação: Emails de boas-vindas, sequências de integração e emails baseados em datas.
- Testes A/B: Teste de até 10 versões diferentes de emails.
Ferramentas de Entregabilidade
- Validações de Email: Garantir a validade dos endereços para evitar spam.
- Ferramenta de Pré-visualização: Verificação de como os emails aparecem em diferentes clientes e dispositivos antes do envio.
Análises e Insights
- Painel de Estatísticas: Acompanhamento em tempo real do desempenho dos emails e do engajamento do cliente.
- Mapas de Cliques e Comparação de Campanhas: Análise das interações dos clientes para refinar estratégias.
API e Integrações
- API de Email: Integração dos serviços do Mailjet em sistemas existentes.
- Integrações de Terceiros: Conexão com plataformas CRM, CMS, marketing e comércio eletrônico.
Recursos Avançados
- Gerador de Conteúdos com IA: Automação da criação de conteúdos de email.
- Gerador de Assuntos com IA: Criação de assuntos atraentes em vários idiomas.
Mailjet apoia empresas de todos os tamanhos, ajudando-as a otimizar operações de email, melhorar a entregabilidade e aumentar o engajamento do cliente.
2024-12-10 19:06:23: Email Academy: Ask us anything - live Q&A with Mailjet’s experts Youtube
2024-09-30 21:45:04: Multilingual email marketing campaigns and advanced localization | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:45:02: The ultimate tag team: Email and SMS strategies | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:30:08: Using a multichannel messaging matrix to create best-in-class campaigns | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:30:06: RCS business messaging: It's not just hype, it's a knockout | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:30:00: SMS marketing strategies to punch above your weight | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:15:02: Omnichannel Cage Match: Why email is not enough | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 21:00:28: How to use AI for better email marketing results | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 20:45:00: Evolving practices for email in an multichannel world | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2024-09-30 20:30:02: The power of stellar post-purchase experiences | Email Camp 2024 Youtube
2023-04-03 21:00:06: Seeking to optimize your customer journey? We've got all the details on how to ensure your customers have the best brand experience possible -- and become lifelong subscribers and users. ?
Read more ?➡️ Twitter
2023-04-01 02:15:02: Are you tired of your emails landing in the spam folder? Learn about how you can avoid spam filters in 2023 and reach the inbox with ease. ? ?
Get the tips ?? Twitter
2023-03-30 19:30:02: How can you use email personalization to capture (and keep!) customers' attention? Learn how to get personalized #emailmarketing right and drive conversions! ?
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2023-03-30 01:30:01: What is the return-path, and how does it help you manage email bounces? ? Find out more, including why you should customize the return-path and how you can customize it with Mailjet. ??
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2023-03-27 21:00:01: Avoid value washing, all our homies hate value washing! ? Find out more about value washing and how you can keep ethical marketing as a foundation of your brand. ✅
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2023-03-24 19:00:01: What are the 4 types of marketing data, and how can you leverage them for email personalization and audience targeting? Find out now! ?
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2023-03-23 20:00:17: Where will you take email next? ? Read our Inbox Insights 2023 report to learn about the latest advanced email tactics and which strategies you should use to measure the full impact of your email program. ?
Read the full, free report now ?➡️ Twitter
2023-03-23 01:00:01: Email headers are often overlooked, but they're a great tool for improving deliverability, protecting against spam, and more. ? Find out more about #emailheaders and how they can benefit you now! ?
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2023-03-21 21:00:09: Avoid value washing, all our homies hate value washing! ? Find out more about value washing and how you can keep ethical marketing as a foundation of your brand. ✅
Get the details ?➡️ Twitter
2023-03-16 19:30:18: Where will you take email next? ? Read our Inbox Insights 2023 report to learn about the latest advanced email tactics and which strategies you should use to measure the full impact of your email program. ?
Read the full, free report now ?➡️ Twitter