
SalesapCRM is an online service for accounting customers and transactions. This service allows you to access the entire history of communication with a specific client, allows you to monitor the work of employees, manage their tasks and projects.

The system itself is able to create tasks at each stage of the funnel, remind about deadlines and automatically send SMS messages to customers.

Features of CRM-system SalesapCRM:

- Task management: plan meetings, set tasks and give instructions to employees in CRM. The program tracks deadlines and sends notifications inside the system, by mail and SMS, and also in Telegram.

- Customer management: the entire history of communication with the client is collected in his card: contacts, documents, letters, transactions, call records, bills and payments. The required information is available in one click.

- Sales management: create your sales funnels, specify the stages of transactions, create checklists and tasks for each stage, so that employees always know what to do for a successful sale.

- Document Designer: The CPM-system will generate any documents on your template, substituting the company requisites, transaction amount, customer data, products and services, and other information.

- Recording customers for services: with SalesapCRM, an interactive calendar is integrated, where you specify the day and time of the client's visit, his name and the name of the service. A visual schedule of all specialists' work is being formed.

- KPI and goals: each employee can be assigned a plan for sales, calls, meetings and other tasks. Monitor the implementation of KPI in online mode to assess the effectiveness of employees.

- Business processes: automate processes without the help of a programmer and complex flowcharts. The system will capture the application from the site, create a deal, set tasks for managers at each stage of the sale.

- Analytics and reports: track reports in online mode. CRM-system displays visual graphs and diagrams: the amount of transactions, the number of new applications, calls and customers, sales funnel, etc.

- Integration with Telegram

- API Integration

- Integration with telephony

- Integration with mail

- Integration with the site

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SalesapCRM Integrations
