Integration of Google Analytics with Datapine

Integration of Google Analytics with Datapine

Google Analytics
Google Analytics integration with datapine

Google Analytics integration with datapine will allow you to explore your data on a whole different level, allowing you to create and customize beautiful and compelling dashboards that meet and exceed your expectations.

The Google Analytics style and dashboard limitations can be frustrating: you're limited to a few graphs and colors, but also a limited number of goals when tracking your metrics. That's why datapine has created five unique Google Analytics dashboard templates to enhance your web analytics capabilities. All you need is to connect your Google Analytics account to datapine, and you are ready to design, publish and customize these Google Analytics templates or create new ones that better suit your needs.

An intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows even a non-technical user to dig into the data and extract useful information from it. The integration will bring all of your data together in one central place and allow you to provide access to everyone who needs it, giving everyone on your team the ability to work on analytics and visualize complex data.

Top 5 Google Analytics Implementation Specialists: CiFrame Ltd.


Google Analytics