ShareFile - это сервис, позволяющий хранить файлы компании в безопасном хранилище, синхронизировать их между разными устройствами и ПК.

Сервис - это инструмент для лёгкого и надёжного обмена файлами. ShareFile даёт повышенную защиту информации, настраиваемый интерфейс, обслуживание клиентов и опции совместной работы.

Возможности ShareFile:

- Доступ к файлам и папкам.

- Редактирование файлов.

- Скачивание файлов из хранилища на мобильное устройство для автономного доступа.

- Загрузка файлов и папок в свой аккаунт ShareFile прямо с устройства.

- «Расшаривание» и синхронизация нескольких файлов с несколькими пользователями.

- Работа с файлами, присланными по почте и через Gmail.

- Разрешения доступа к файлам и папкам для отдельных пользователей.

- Код доступа для дополнительной защиты вашего аккаунта.

- Добавление пользователей к существующим папкам.

- Удалённое уничтожение или блокировка аккаунта, в случае утери или кражи устройства.

- Интеграция сторонних сервисов и eSignature.

- Полнотекстовый поиск.

- Плагин для Microsoft Outlook.

- Архивирование и шаблоны папок.


2023-04-05 17:01:03: Are you sharing your tax files securely? ? Learn how ShareFile can exceed your client's expectations for security without overcomplicating your day. #ShareFileForAccounting Twitter
2023-04-03 18:00:54: Customize your account to match your brand identity. Join our upcoming webinar on April 6th to learn custom branding tips and tricks from two ShareFile branding experts. Register here: Twitter
2023-03-31 19:00:56: ShareFile with e-signature makes for a seamless user experience for internal and external partners. ?‍? Discover how to easily prepare and send documents for signature with just a few clicks. Twitter
2023-03-29 22:00:40: For #WomensHistoryMonth, #TeamShareFile held events across our offices to celebrate. In Bangalore, the team set up a photo booth for women to get professional headshots. Costa Rica hosted a brunch, and Raleigh & Ft. Lauderdale catered lunch for everyone to enjoy. #ShareFileProud Twitter
2023-03-28 00:00:08: Supporting our customers in reaching their goals is what keeps us going. Meet members of our customer success engineering team and discover how they help customers to solve problems, and why they love being a part of #TeamShareFile. Twitter
2023-03-24 18:01:46: With ShareFile, you can take the security guesswork out of collaboration. ? Learn how ShareFile keeps devices and documents safe while meeting regulatory security and privacy compliance. Twitter
2023-03-22 19:01:17: Looking to become an expert with RightSignature? We have you covered. Sign up for our RightSignature webinar on 3/23 to learn about all the advanced features ShareFile with RightSignature can offer you and your business. ✍️ Twitter
2023-03-21 18:00:44: We are celebrating the amazing female voices paving the way & making ShareFile a great place to work throughout #WomensHistoryMonth. Check out what the women of ShareFile have to say about working in tech & encouraging other women in their careers! #TeamShareFile #ShareFileProud Twitter
2023-03-16 21:00:58: This #WomensHistoryMonth, we are spotlighting a woman paving the way in the tech industry: our COO Hope Simmons! Learn how Hope got her start in the tech industry and what it’s like to lead at ShareFile. Twitter
2023-03-14 17:00:31: We can help you save time while getting more work done. ✅ Register for this Podio webinar on 3/15 with Joel Ordesky to learn how you can make the client intake process easier, faster, and more efficient. Secure your spot today: Twitter


Дропбокс (Dropbox)

