Pushpay - это облачное решение для онлайн-платежей, которое помогает различным организациям централизовать данные о пожертвованиях и управлять платежными операциями. Ключевые функции включают в себя импорт транзакций, формирование донорской выписки и инструменты отчетности.

Пользователи могут импортировать данные, связанные с фондами, транзакциями и другими пожертвованиями из сторонних источников. Кроме того, пользователи могут загружать файлы через портал Pushpay и сопоставлять импортированные данные с доступными средствами.

Pushpay позволяет пользователям вести базу данных подарочных записей и донорской информации, включая контактные данные, суммы, способы оплаты и даты. Доноры также могут отправлять повторяющиеся подарки. Pushpay предоставляет пользователям отчеты, которые включают общее количество пожертвований, уникальных доноров, новых доноров и общую сумму подарков, полученных за неделю. 

2023-04-03 23:01:06: Our Chief Ambassador, Collin Jones, will be joining David Fletcher tomorrow on the XPastor webinar to discuss strategies to help fuel #engagement in a #hybridchurch world. Register now → https://t.co/xHJiVQv9SM https://t.co/eKN6Ms3TS3 Twitter
2023-04-03 20:17:06: #Livestreaming proved its value during the pandemic—but how can churches fine-tune their approach? In our blog, Resi Co-founder Collin Jones emphasizes the importance of communicating intention to your growing community → https://t.co/nAQbE9p3Q6 #digitalchurch #churchtech https://t.co/T06wp27Ya6 Twitter
2023-03-31 05:30:31: Ready to make the most of this #Easter? ? Discover one simple strategy to get your ministry hopping with more #engagement and #discipleship all year long. https://t.co/ksKIBl0MXL Twitter
2023-03-30 20:26:56: You told us what features you wanted to see next—and we listened. Our latest product updates address the evolving tech needs of churches like yours. See how → https://t.co/JXAY4ERwsZ https://t.co/iVMtA7ale3 Twitter
2023-03-30 05:20:05: Senior parishioners have embraced mobile church solutions, and they wish your parish did too. Download our free ebook to learn how to stay connected with your members → https://t.co/NT9J93qw0V #parish #diocese #CatholicChurch #churchgrowth #churchtech #ministry #stewardship https://t.co/rg11sm3gWK Twitter
2023-03-29 19:05:11: #Easter is both an annual challenge and a huge opportunity, so it’s vital that your team is firing on all cylinders as you prepare. Here are five mistakes you’ll want to avoid. #Easter2023 https://t.co/xgM0i3fKGK Twitter
2023-03-28 19:18:06: Last chance to register for our #StateofChurchTechnology webinar happening tomorrow, March 29th at 12pm CST. Don’t miss out on real-time insights from experts in the trenches of #churchtech. Register → https://t.co/Yk3xLpT8st #StateofChurchTech #churchresearch #churchtechtrends https://t.co/FwjT0FcRFF Twitter
2023-03-27 23:51:01: Our 2023 #StateofChurchTechnology report showed church leaders want to simplify their toolsets. That’s why we’re sharpening our #donormanagement features. Download the report to see what else church leaders had to say → https://t.co/0uiOaNrjjG https://t.co/bUsjothVQE Twitter
2023-03-27 19:54:07: #Easter is one of the most attended worship services of the year. Learn how to use technology to welcome, engage, and keep church members coming back all year long → https://t.co/K8XECH97mj #Easter2023 #churchtech #churchattendance #churchgrowth #churchengagement https://t.co/UHY2Ua6iT0 Twitter
2023-03-24 22:35:06: Hear Randy Deal of Rock Point Church in Arizona weigh in on the trends revealed in our 2023 State of Church Technology Report. Join us for an in-depth discussion of all things church tech on March 29th. Register for the webinar now → https://t.co/Yk3xLpTGi1 #churchtech https://t.co/pydatVvEOR Twitter




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