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AppsFlyer is a leading platform that empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies effectively. Here are some key features and information about AppsFlyer:

  • Fraud Protection Solutions: AppsFlyer offers comprehensive fraud protection solutions to ensure businesses invest in the right channels, measure real actions, and avoid revenue loss from bots and click farms.
  • Enhanced Customer Privacy: The platform focuses on increasing customer privacy and delivering exceptional experiences through its solutions, aligning with evolving privacy standards like iOS 14 and beyond.
  • Smart Banners: AppsFlyer has introduced new design options for Smart Banners, making them more responsive across different browsers and devices. Users can now preview banners per device for enhanced customization.
  • Data Locker: AppsFlyer's premium plan offers Data Locker, a feature that enhances data security and management, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and utilized efficiently.
  • Protect360 - Fraud Protection Suite: The premium plan includes Protect360, a comprehensive fraud protection suite that helps businesses safeguard their marketing investments and ensure accurate data measurement.
  • Audiences - Audience Segmentation: With the premium plan, users can leverage Audience Segmentation tools to target specific audience segments effectively and tailor marketing strategies for better engagement.
  • Pricing Plans: AppsFlyer offers various pricing plans to suit different budgets and requirements. The plans range from the Zero plan, which is free for life and includes deep linking and engagement features, to Growth and Enterprise plans with advanced analytics, fraud protection, audience segmentation, and custom solutions.

AppsFlyer stands out as a versatile platform that provides robust fraud protection solutions, prioritizes customer privacy, offers innovative features like Smart Banners, and caters to businesses of all sizes with its flexible pricing plans


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