
Airtable is a cloud-based project management solution designed for small and medium enterprises as well as departments of large companies. This system is primarily focused on data organization and collaboration.

The system uses a spreadsheet format to organize the data. Linked data can be linked together; for example, contacts may be associated with their companies or inventory may be associated with their suppliers.

Airtable is compatible with multiple devices. On desktop computers, users see the data in a spreadsheet format, and on mobile devices, the data can be viewed as interactive cards. On both devices, users can add and delete data, attach files, and exchange tables.

Airtable brings together services such as Dropbox, Box, Evernote, and Google Drive. The tables in this software are shared and users can keep track of who made changes to documents and when. Also included is a chat tool that allows users to chat with each other while they work.

Key Features:

  • Views: Transform data into actionable views such as List, Timeline, Gantt, and more.
  • Interface Designer: Design custom apps in minutes from existing data using drag-and-drop elements.
  • AI Integration: Airtable's native AI components enable dynamic AI functionality, allowing users to advance critical steps across workflows in various teams or departments. For instance, product teams can use AI to categorize customer feedback and generate product specs, while marketing teams can use AI to generate creative briefs and gather competitive intel.
  • Data Management: Airtable is built as a relational database, allowing users to sync, structure, and store data to support infinite use cases. Data is synced in real time, eliminating the need for manual updates.
  • Pricing Plans: Airtable offers different pricing plans with varying features and costs, including unlimited bases, records per base, workspaces, and maximum number of editors per workspace.

2024-01-31 14:00:34: Using the Dashboard Layout Youtube
2024-01-31 14:00:07: Airtable app quick start walkthrough Youtube
2023-11-08 16:01:03: Interface Designer Updates | Airtable Youtube
2023-09-06 21:00:25: What's New (in Two) - September 2023 | Airtable Youtube
2023-08-30 00:44:33: How Vimeo consolidated tools and created fully custom apps | Airtable Youtube
2023-08-02 22:55:45: What's New (in Two) - August 2023 | Airtable Youtube
2023-08-02 20:10:21: Code and Theory saves more than 10,000 hours a year with Airtable Youtube
2023-07-27 17:22:00: Tool Tips: All about interface layouts | Airtable Youtube
2023-07-05 22:00:03: What's New (in Two) - July 2023 | Airtable Youtube
2023-06-29 16:00:34: Tool Tips: Track your work with progress bars | Airtable Youtube
2023-04-06 20:14:10: What's New (in two) is back with not just our latest product updates, but a new jingle ??‍? Details: #nocode #airtable Twitter
2023-04-04 22:01:43: Have you checked out List View yet ? ? We answered the Community’s most frequently asked questions about List View in a recent blog post: Twitter
2023-03-30 22:01:57: Save ⏱️ Grab all the info you need from other websites ✅ Have you used our Web Clipper browser extension yet ? ? Twitter
2023-03-30 20:26:00: ✨ New feature alert ✨ Introducing record templates! Projects often include the same tasks, subtasks or milestones. Now you no longer have to create those items every time you start a new project. Available for Pro & Enterprise plans, get the details: Twitter




Airtable Integrations
