Swivle - это облачное решение для управления цифровыми активами, которое предоставляет пользователям централизованную базу данных для файлов и информации.

Swivle обеспечивает перетаскивание файлов и передачу файлов. Пользователи могут назначать разрешения на основе ролей учетным записям пользователей, которые определяют, какие учетные записи могут загружать, выгружать, просматривать или комментировать определенные файлы. Пользователи могут делиться файлами с членами команды, а также комментировать и утверждать изменения.

Решение отслеживает версии файлов, и пользователи могут при необходимости вернуться к предыдущим версиям. Swivle также предлагает инструмент поиска, который поддерживает поиск текста и изображений с помощью оптического распознавания символов (OCR). Интеграция включает Adobe Creative Cloud и Adobe InDesign.

2023-03-31 10:54:29: ? Time to press refresh on your business brand? Check out our tips for successful rebranding - including when, why and how to do it ? https://t.co/jcCE77jXla #rebranding #branding #brandidentity #branddesign #brandingdesign https://t.co/4Y92EUVUW9 Twitter
2023-03-29 11:45:35: The #publishing landscape is changing fast, and new challenges but also opportunities are emerging. Here’s our hot take on key trends for digital publishers of all sizes that may help you to make the most of the new developments: https://t.co/RIHRqpDfbt #WoodWingsolutions https://t.co/mzrJZPV3jw Twitter
2023-03-27 13:00:06: Join our masterclass and learn from WoodWing and Qonqord experts how to achieve optimal multi-leaflet and catalog production processes with smart automations and helpful integrations! Learn more and book your free seat: https://t.co/UnXSiJsHjs #webinar #catalogproduction https://t.co/xUZxSS32Mi Twitter
2023-03-22 13:50:22: We wish a blessed Ramadan to all our Muslim colleagues, partners, clients, and friends around the globe! #RamadanMubarak #Ramadan2023 https://t.co/BkoMTmyLlL Twitter
2023-03-15 14:11:22: ? File management and folder structure can make the difference between a successful organization and a never-growing-out-of-the-start-up-phase one. Take these 5 steps and find out where you stand: https://t.co/Cl5gYbxJRt #filemanagement #digitalassetmanagement #WoodWingsolutions https://t.co/xjTHztCswL Twitter
2023-03-13 12:02:48: Did you know that the market for digital #educational resources is predicted to grow to $10.5 billion by 2026? Download our brochure to discover how to ride on the digital wave for a successful future ?https://t.co/o91td43ehi #publishers #digitalpublishing #Woodwingsolutions https://t.co/0T7rQqTut2 Twitter
2023-03-06 12:55:20: ? Join us tomorrow for another product update session and learn everything about our latest product developments as well as our plans for 2023. Register today: https://t.co/pBHbQq8Gm9 #webinar #productupdate #WoodWingevents https://t.co/leN7j0pHUY Twitter
2023-02-27 13:40:28: Are you a content creator worried about ChatGPT taking over your job, or just curious about the capabilities of AI in content creation? In any case, check our latest article delving into the topic: is #ChatGPT really a threat? ▶ https://t.co/WSS3jbcuv5 #artificialintelligence https://t.co/RRImrBtG7J Twitter
2023-02-24 12:12:07: According to #DAM expert Kristina Huddart, monitoring and experimenting with these top three trends will allow you to manage your digital assets effectively and gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences and behaviors: https://t.co/6wDZN5bAGa #digitalassetmanagement https://t.co/3a5f8DBesJ Twitter
2023-02-20 10:14:51: Don't miss the latest developments of WoodWing products from our Product Management leaders. Can't make it on time? No worries, as all registrants will receive the webinar recording! https://t.co/OHKXDLrAwz #webinar #productupdate #WoodWingevents https://t.co/IrbVEh95Bo Twitter


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