Integration of Pipedrive with Ringostat

Ringostat integration with Pipedrive

Ringostat's integration with Pipedrive allows you to manage customer relationship and sales based on call data.

Ringostat transmits to Pipedrive call records, data on duration, status and source of advertisement of each call, etc. Pipedrive automatically creates contacts and deals when you receive a phone call.

You can track in CRM which ad is generating calls and sales. The deals are accompanied by data about the ad source, campaign and keywords of the calls.

If your company missed a call, a “Connect customer” task is automatically created in CRM. This way you will not lose any prospects. Listen to recordings of conversations and analyze the reasons for unsuccessful deals. Determine which scenarios lead to sales.

Integration benefits:

- automation of the sales department and control of the work of each sales manager. The system creates deals and contacts when receiving a phone call;

- automatic transfer of data on advertising sources of calls to CRM .;

- Tracking the advertising source of the call, which is then automatically attached to the deal card.

