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Localização: Mundo

Mailgun é um serviço de automação de email construído para desenvolvedores.

O serviço oferece um serviço de email baseado em nuvem completo para enviar, receber e rastrear emails enviados através de seus sites e aplicações. O inteligente roteamento e armazenamento de entrada do Mailgun permite que você saiba exatamente para onde seus emails estão indo.

Mailgun é um conjunto de APIs de integração de email construídas para desenvolvedores. Suporta todas as linguagens mais populares, incluindo PHP, Python, Ruby, C# e Java. Recursos de rastreamento e análise, incluindo testes A/B, rastreiam todos os emails e aumentam suas chances de evitar filtros de spam e chegar às caixas de entrada.

O serviço permite aos usuários validar nomes de domínio de email usando registros SPF e DKIM e manter uma lista de mala direta autenticada para evitar endereços falsos/inválidos e garantir a correta entrega de emails. Usando a funcionalidade de análise, os profissionais de marketing podem obter insights sobre tópicos e conteúdos de alto desempenho, taxa de cliques (CTR) e padrões de visualização do cliente. Os membros da equipe podem usar o recurso de Otimização do Tempo de Envio para determinar o momento certo para lançar campanhas.

2024-03-13 15:03:09: UTM tracking by media type Youtube
2024-03-07 17:32:27: Adding your Domain - Mailgun Walkthrough Youtube
2024-01-23 22:14:41: Understanding new sender requirements: A fireside chat with Yahoo & Google Youtube
2023-04-13 20:00:04: Creating strong, appealing templates for transactional emails goes a long way when you're building your email program and reputation. Read our blog post to learn how to create glitch-free HTML templates for transactional emails. ? Read more now ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-04-11 23:30:01: Deliverability is the word! ? Learn the basics about one of email's hottest topics and how deliverability impacts your messages' journey to the inbox. ? Read more about deliverability now ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-04-10 19:30:02: Nobody wants to have a bad (sender) reputation. ? See how Google Postmaster Tools can help you monitor your sender reputation and improve your email deliverability. ? Learn more about Google Postmaster Tools now ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-04-08 00:00:02: What's the deal with DNS blocklists, and how can you avoid them? ? Have no fear -- we've got everything you need to know about DNS blocklists (but are afraid to ask). ? Get all the details ?➡️ Twitter
2023-04-06 19:00:39: See where your emails will land before you hit send! Run an inbox placement test in less than 60 seconds with InboxReady. ? Check out the video below and get more information on InboxReady here ?➡️ Twitter
2023-04-05 23:00:04: Creating strong, appealing templates for transactional emails goes a long way when you're building your email program and reputation. Read our latest post to learn how to create glitch-free HTML templates for transactional emails. ? Read more now ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-04-04 19:30:01: How does email deliverability impact your ROI? Learn more from our deliverability experts and see how you can take your email program to the next level! ? ? Learn more now ?➡️ Twitter
2023-04-04 01:07:59: [Mailgun Status Update] Scheduled (Apr 18, 2023, 06:00 PDT): We will be continuing our planned deprecation of Legacy Webhooks by moving all Legacy Webhooks to Read-Only mode on April 18th, 2023. Please reference this article for more … Twitter
2023-04-03 23:00:02: Do you want to improve your email deliverability and make sure your messages reach the inbox? Here are the metrics you need to focus on to set your email sending up for success. ? Read more ?⬇️ Twitter
2023-04-01 01:15:01: You can create a better triggered #email program. See how! ?⬇️ #EmailGeeks #MarTech Twitter
2022-10-05 19:33:15: Hiking Trails: Omnichannel Marketing To Reach Your Audience Youtube
2022-10-05 19:33:11: Mindfulness & Meditation: The Mental Inbox Youtube
2022-06-29 14:06:09: Building Your "Campfire Kit": Customer Feedback Loops to Fire Up Your Product Youtube
2022-06-29 13:38:45: The Story of Influx Youtube
2022-06-29 13:38:36: Puzzles and Codecracking: Finding The Best Time To Send That Email Youtube
2022-03-07 19:32:39: Mailgun Email API - Built for Developers by Developers Youtube
2021-12-06 16:37:02: What’s going on with the current supply chain crisis? Youtube




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Características do produto

  • A/B testing of emails

Mailgun Integrações
