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Clickfunnels é uma ferramenta de construção de funil de vendas online que ajuda empresas a promover, vender e entregar seus produtos online.

Esta ferramenta simplifica o marketing online, as vendas e a entrega de produtos e serviços ao fornecer aos usuários opções de funil que já estão pré-construídas para um negócio, produto ou serviço específico.

ClickFunnels é uma plataforma de geração de leads baseada na nuvem que permite a empresas de todos os tamanhos em e-commerce, consultoria e outras indústrias automatizar processos de marketing por email e Facebook e converter visitantes em clientes.

Profissionais podem criar páginas de destino ou funis personalizados usando modelos integrados de engajamento do cliente. ClickFunnels permite que equipes coletem informações de contato do cliente e enviem mensagens de acompanhamento direcionadas na forma de notificações de texto ou notificações de desktop para se reconectar com os visitantes.

Com o Clickfunnels, é fácil criar um funil de marketing e vendas do zero, pois inclui todos os elementos básicos necessários para criar um funil de vendas funcional e eficaz. Um funil online tradicional significa que você precisa lidar com hospedagem de sites, páginas de destino, autoresponders de email e mais, e todos eles precisam funcionar em uníssono.

O Clickfunnels inclui tudo isso e mais, oferecendo tudo em um pacote completo e unificado para que você não tenha que lidar com eles individualmente. Se você tem um negócio, o Clickfunnels tem um funil dedicado que é certo para você.

2025-01-30 17:32:30: Allow Us To Reintroduce Ourselves... We're ClickFunnels! Youtube
2024-12-16 17:00:33: Funnel Hacking LIVE (Official Documentary) Youtube
2024-12-11 17:00:26: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2023 Las Vegas (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-12-10 17:00:39: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2022 Orlando (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-12-09 17:00:56: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2021 Orlando (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-12-04 17:01:07: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2020 Nashville (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-12-03 17:00:13: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2019 Nashville (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-12-02 19:35:53: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2018 Orlando (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-11-13 20:00:03: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2017 Dallas (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2024-11-12 20:00:07: Funnel Hacking LIVE 2016 San Diego (Official Aftermovie) Youtube
2022-08-17 01:00:14: Optimizing sell-through will enable you to move products faster, reduce overstock and have better cash flow. This post breaks down all the key things you need to know about sell-through and how to improve it. Twitter
2022-08-10 01:00:27: Retail displays only work when executed properly, and there are some common mistakes retailers make in this area. Check out the blog to learn the top reasons retail displays flow — and what to do instead. Twitter
2022-08-03 01:00:23: Opening a new location? Here are some ideas on how you can drive word of mouth and traffic to your new branch. Twitter
2022-07-20 01:00:04: Stale product assortments can kill your sales. That is why keeping track of trending and frequently searched retail items is required not only for owners of new stores but also for standing sellers. Learn more on the blog! Twitter
2022-06-30 00:52:03: Getting your product assortment right is one of the most important—yet trickiest—things to do in retail. This post gives an overview of assortment planning and offers tips so you can implement the practice successfully in your retail business. Twitter
2022-06-22 07:00:04: Upselling and cross-selling enable you to increase sales and improve the customer experience. Here are some tips and examples on how to implement these sales techniques like a pro. Twitter
2022-06-02 05:56:01: Optimizing sell-through will enable you to move products faster, reduce overstock and have better cash flow. This post breaks down all the key things you need to know about sell-through and how to improve it. Twitter
2022-05-18 21:44:04: Amidst supply chain issues and labor shortages, it’s more important than ever to bring in  competent individuals who can manage your stores successfully. To that end, here are the top 9 skills to look for in a retail manager. Twitter
2022-05-11 21:11:05: Want to boost the performance of your sales staff? This post shares the must-have skills and qualities to look for and develop in your sales associates. Twitter
2022-04-07 05:00:05: With labor shortages plaguing the industry, retailers are finding it difficult to recruit cashiers who’ll stick around. In this post, we share practical tips to help you hire more cashiers in a tough labor market. Take a look! Twitter



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