Backlogэто онлайн-платформа для управления проектами и кодом.  

Платформа позволяет организовать деятельность команды, работающей в сфере разработки для построения и релиза программного обеспечения. Платформа позволяет фиксировать баги, разрабатываемого приложения.

При помощи Backlog можно организовать командную работу над проектом. Для начала соберите команду разработчиков и распределите меду ними задачи. Присвойте приоритеты задачам и статусы разработчикам и следи за выполнением. В режиме онлайн или при помощи архивов следите за загруженностью работников.

Встроенная система общения позволяет руководителю раздавать задания и обсуждать их с сотрудниками, загружать в систему готовый код и оставлять комментарии. Также можно предоставить ограниченный доступ для клиентов.

На решение одной задачи можно назначит одного или несколько сотрудников. Также можно установить время на решение задачи. В любой момент времени руководитель может посмотреть статистку работы над задачей, начиная с даты её создания.

2024-04-02 12:44:31: Start collaborating with Cacoo Youtube
2023-04-03 18:15:00: In a highly competitive market, the most important thing is giving customers a satisfactory product. Read these steps to learn more about customer validation, and how to implement it in your #strategy and #planning Twitter
2023-03-31 16:11:01: Thank you Software Advice for listing Backlog as a top-rated front runner Kanban tool in 2022! We look forward to what 2023 has in store. ? #projectmanagement Twitter
2023-03-31 03:06:02: We're excited to share that Cacoo has been ranked as a top contender among idea #management software from Capterra! Cacoo is here to help simplify any job. ? Twitter
2022-12-31 15:02:01: Charisma is a trait many leaders share, and some people seem to have it innately. But actually, being personable is something you can learn! Here are some tips: #leadership #collaboration #teamwork Twitter
2022-12-30 16:11:01: An IT #projectmanager needs to ensure that projects are delivered on time and on budget, with as few interruptions as possible. Check out some useful IT #projectmanagement methodologies: Twitter
2022-12-30 00:59:01: The best managers are humble and self-reflective, so if you nurture these behaviors in yourself, you’ll have a good foundation on which to build the rest ?⬇️ #management Twitter
2022-12-28 14:30:04: #Burnout makes people feel like they’ve got nothing left in the tank ? They may find even the smallest of tasks an enormous challenge or dread getting out of bed each morning ⬇️ Twitter
2022-12-27 15:02:01: As the saying goes, less is more ✨ Yet, there is such a thing as being simple to a fault. Sleek #design can’t make up for limiting a user’s ability to perform their desired task effectively. Here's how to achieve the perfect balance: Twitter
2022-12-26 23:04:01: Poor planning can lead to: ? Communication breakdowns ? Wasted money & resources ? Project failures Here's how #projectmanagement lifecycle can help! Twitter
2022-12-25 23:15:01: Workplace #culture is about the way the team works together – and it has a massive impact on #productivity, employee mood, and even the way that outsiders perceive the business ? Twitter
2022-04-21 03:47:38: Cacoo: Linking to diagram objects Youtube
2022-03-04 03:53:28: Cacoo: How to add text to lines & arrows Youtube
2022-01-19 07:40:19: Backlog Kanban Boards Youtube
2022-01-10 06:29:43: Cacoo: Lock and unlock diagram elements Youtube
2021-12-14 07:19:34: Backlog: Exporting issues Youtube
2021-12-03 03:56:20: Cacoo: Copy and paste from Spreadsheets Youtube
2021-11-18 05:36:23: Cacoo tip: How to scroll horizontally on diagrams Youtube
2021-11-15 06:11:47: Backlog: How to use issue/task templates Youtube
2021-11-10 01:35:34: Cacoo + Google Drive: Import image Youtube


